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Ex-Upwork Amb. Reveals 5 Productivity Hacks For Freelancers

Productivity Hacks For Freelancers

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As a freelancer, there is always a race to get more done. There is that feeling that you can do more. Maybe create more content or reach out to more potential clients. I guess it's that feeling that propels me continuously look out for productivity hacks for freelancers.

And where else can we get such advice from rather than Roxana Nasoi. Roxana Nasoi is the former Upwork ambassador and a proud freelancer since 2008.

While she's moved more into the business owner side now, she is still very connected to the freelancing world, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to teach her freelancers the best practices and hacks out there.

In her own words, here is what Roxana Nasoi had to say…

Productive Hacks or What Works for Me
This one ain't easy. But throughout the years, I've noticed that, at least in my case, my productivity is related to how passionate I am about what I'm working on.

The problem is when you're over passionate about many things, you tend to “burn” through the oil faster. So my lack of productivity is my body & mind's signals that I need a break.

Roxana NasoiThe best way is to do a change of scenery.

1. If it's very hot outside, during summer days, I know my productivity drops significantly.

My solution: pack a bag, and go to the mountains, stay with friends/family or rent a cabin. A bit of fresh air helps me get stuff done faster. High temperatures don't work for me that much.

2. If I feel I'm getting myself into too much, I will delegate.

There are many small tasks that occupy plenty of time, and when you don't really feel like doing them, it's best to delegate or outsource. Plenty of freelancers out there are looking for extra work. So you're also contributing to the growth of the community.

3. Listen to your body.

It will most probably tell you when you're most effective and energized during the day. For me, it's the afternoons. So I will wake up around 9am, workout, shower, eat something healthy, and head out for coffee.

Meet a friend, talk to a family member on the phone, read a book/listen to an audiobook, or just enjoy a cup of coffee by yourself.

Take a 30-40min walk in the sun, if the weather allows me. Even if it's cold outside, I do it anyway. Oxygen really helps. I'd eat a lunch that will be easy on the stomach. And then get to the office around 2pm and try to finish by 6-7pm. Take a walk home, skip Uber or taxi as much as I can.

Grocery shop on my way home, eat some light dinner/change and have dinner in the city, with friends, spend quality time with my loved ones. Go to bed around midnight, not before drinking a cup of relaxing tea.

4. Rent an office for yourself.

It's much easier to be focused on work when you know everything is where you left it. No need to carry the laptop with you. Or bring extra chargers. Or worry about music being too loud for that Skype call. Ideally, get a place that is close to humanity, but offers sufficient silence, so you can focus on your thing.

5. Sometimes, it's just too much to handle.

Happens to all of us. Then it's definitely time for a forced vacation. Last time I traveled by myself to 5 countries in 15 days across Europe. I had no time to really work, notified all my clients in advance that I'm away for 2 weeks.

And walked on average about 7-10 miles/day. I came back super refreshed, met a lot of great people, reconnected with friends, and got that boost of energy and excitement back.

Hope this helps. I've also written a few articles myself, one that's really appreciated is: ​

My blog is: ​
LinkedIn – where I share many freelancing tips: ​
Twitter: ​
Instagram: @serplified

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4 Responses

  1. Hi Roxana, Love your tips here! I have found delegating more as I’m growing my business is really helping. We have to remember we are only 1 person. I love working outside on my deck when it gets warm here. I’m planning a 2 week vacation this July as well with NO work. I can’t wait to experience that one.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thanks for reading. Yes, a 2 week vacation is surely going to do you good. For me, the longest intentional vacation with no work is 3 days. But I came back so energized. It works.

  2. Hi Lisa and Vince,
    I’m just looking into delegating some work… so yea, Upwork or one of those.
    It will absolutely improve my productivity.
    I like the idea of daily forced vacations like the gym or a walk on the beach for me.
    Because really, “too much to handle” comes up pretty regularly for freelancers and entrepreneurs.
    Nice article for all of us to ponder.

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