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10 Blog Post Ideas for Your Businesses

10 Blog Post Ideas for Your Businesses

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If you have a business blog, you understand how important it is to post on a regular basis. Blogs are not only an excellent way to establish your company's credibility in your industry, but they are also an essential component of any content marketing strategy. By providing your readers with fresh, relevant, and interesting content, you give them a reason to return while increasing the likelihood of a future purchase.

Choosing topics that not only connect with your audience but also convert them into paying customers is one of the most important aspects of successful inbound marketing.

I've seen far too many businesses make the mistake of publishing blog content that isn't relevant to their audience's buyer's journey. It does not assist customers in making informed purchasing decisions. As a result, if this content is read at all, it has little to no impact on the reader.

It's not always easy to create new content, especially when you don't know what to write about. This list of 10 blog post ideas should help you overcome writer's block and create several highly engaging blog posts.

Here are the blog post ideas for your business

  1. Cost and price-related articles

Have you ever looked up how much you might pay for, say… anything?

If you're like everyone else who has internet access, you have — but how often do you get frustrated because you can't find answers?

Cost questions are extremely important to buyers, but few businesses care to answer them. They're actually afraid to.

Be the company that provides answers to these questions. Cost articles are easy wins for both traffic and conversions because they build trust by addressing a topic that most businesses avoid.

  1. Articles on the advantages and disadvantages

The worst case scenario is buyer's remorse. Nobody wants to make a purchase only to later come to regret it. When this happens, you're often left wishing you had done a little more research before making your decision.

With this in mind, one of the searches you're likely to conduct is for a list of both the pros and cons of the item you want to purchase.

  1. Articles on the benefits

When we say “benefits articles,” we don't just mean praising how awesome your product or service is.

Instead, benefits articles should concentrate on the positive outcomes that your customers can expect when they buy from you. This type of content is dependent on your understanding of your buyers' problems — and how what you sell can help them. Remember that it's all about your customer, not you.

  1. Articles about the flaws or disadvantages of what you sell

If you truly want to build trust with your audience, be willing to discuss the shortcomings of your product or service.

It may be difficult to reject potential leads, but if they were never going to work out in the first place, these types of articles can help sort out bad fits.

On the other hand, some of the issues your readers have heard about may have simple solutions. In your article, you can address the issues fairly and offer appropriate solutions, effectively halting their objection.

  1. ‘Making a decision' articles

Buyers want to know what factors they should consider before making their final decision. This content at the bottom of the funnel assists them in selecting the best vendor, product, or service.

Discuss red flags (where they should proceed with caution) and green lights (when they're on the right track) to help guide them through their final options.

  1. Articles on description and definition

Sometimes people just want a simple explanation of what you're selling or what the service you provide entails.

Because they are so simple to answer, these articles can sometimes have a high competition volume. Sites like Wikipedia,, and the most authoritative entities in your industry may even rank on the first page — but that doesn't mean you shouldn't answer these questions as well.

You may simply need to write a more detailed piece of content than the others.

  1. Tutorial and how-to articles

Do you have a YouTube channel for your company? If so, begin filming how-to videos. If not, create an account and begin filming how-to videos.

If you sell software as a service (SaaS), you should have a plethora of tutorial videos on how to use your product, but consider another scenario.

  1. Comparisons articles

To create neat little ranking orders, we frequently want to take some of the top entries and pit them against each other in a head-to-head match-up.

You can structure your comparison article by comparing how the competitors fare in different categories, or you can give each its own in-depth discussion detailing the pros and cons with a nice little wrap-up at the end.

  1. Articles of review

Consider reviewing every single product manufacturer, product line, and individual product you sell if you sell products.

Just keep in mind to be as objective as possible, or explain why you're being subjective.

You may also want to include links to other reviews from around the web.

Video reviews are also powerful pieces of content. You can find a review of any electronic by searching “review” on YouTube.

  1. Customer-service-related articles

There is an alternative method for developing problem content. You should not only focus on the problems with your products or services, but also on the problems or pains that your customers are experiencing.

They may not even be aware of the solutions to their problems, but they are acutely aware of their symptoms. As a result, they turn to search engines to help them identify their problem (give it a name) and learn about potential solutions.


Those are my 10 blog post ideas you can use in your business blog. Let me know what I left out, and you think it should have made the list. I'd love to read your comments below.

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